Farewell, dear friend!

Sila Shahid
2 min readApr 17, 2021


Goodbyes are difficult. Especially when you have elaborate tales of togetherness to share. Today, a light ignited in me and I bid farewell to my old friend procrastination.

My life has taken drastic turns as I paved my way through adolescents and entered adulthood. But one thing that remained constant is my self-destructive habit to procrastinate. To bury this union with in high spirits, I have decided to complete a task before deadline. To help me with this, stands Pomodoro with a shovel in his hand.

So let me introduce you to Pomodoro, my new buddy. He gave my a shoulder when I was desperately looking to escape this toxic friendship. The counseling sessions worked something like this:

25 hour study period/ 5 hour break (repeat 4 times)

It was a simple gesture, that gave me full return on investment and helped me complete my course 1 for Amal before deadline! That too with making comments, taking notes, and replying to my fellows. This session actually worked like a charm!

I am taking time to gradually untangle my roots with my old friend and make better connections with my new buddy. Although, friendships are not broken and made in the blink of an eye. It takes time. I will give time to become comfortable with Pomodoro, and increase my session timings from 25/5 to 50/10 as I carry on.

To new friendships!

