Unrecognized artists of Pakistan

Sila Shahid
4 min readApr 9, 2021


“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint’ — then by all means paint. and that voice will be silenced” — Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh, an artist well known for his works starry night, sunflowers, and cherry blossoms. The myth of Van Gogh gaining recognition after he died remains alive till today. The exhibitions, the inspiration people get from his art, the love and appreciation — had he lived to see it all!

Art is often looked at as passion, and passion is personal, it stays hidden. That poetry you wrote stays hidden in a page of your notebook, the doodles you drew fade away in an old diary, and the canvas you painted sits to draw dust.

As you read this — reflect. I did the same when I first read about Amal’s mega project. Coming up with a solution that would benefit people around me. While thinking of this I looked in my surroundings and looked at the painting I received as a birthday gift;

A replication of my favorite art pieces (the starry night by Vincent Van Gogh) topped with one of my favorite song (Khud se by Osho Jain)

As I looked as this painting, the thought of all the talented yet unappreciated artists I know ran through my head. I knew then and there what idea I will propose for the mega project! There are a lot of underrated artists around us, whose art is created for in the name of passion and never sees the light of day. The idea is, if these artists can be given a platform to exhibit their work — their art can reach a wider audience.

I discussed this idea with my artist friends. “ I love this idea so much, because you have highlighted something that bothers me a lot” — is one of my friends said. Some of them could not believe I want to dedicate a mega project to them! They all absolutely loved the idea and agreed to the suffering of owning unacknowledged art. They even helped me refine the idea into an entrepreneurial set-up of arranging art exhibitions that can generate revenue for art owners. To magnify this issue further, I asked them to take a photo with their favorite art piece

Zainab, my childhood best friend, and a communication and design student with her art work. She has always had the passion for art! Despite taking the bold step of leaving pre-engineering for C&D, she manifested her creativity into film making rather than fine arts. As she believed it would go unrecognized.

Aania, public health nutritionist by day and artist by night. She used to love arts as a child and wanted to become an architect, but society had normative boundaries for her. Over the years she left art, and become dissociated. But, during quarantine she fueled her creative energy back onto empty an empty canvas and created breathtakingly beautiful artworks.

Meet Dr Aleena Hussain. Yes, a doctor (and my sister). Aleena has always been the most creative member of the family. Art comes naturally to her. She did not chose medicine under any under societal influence but out of pure likeness. Although, in the process she never got rid of the artist in her.

Here is the most dedicated artist I know. Syeda Kisa Zehra Zaidi (even her name is artistic, no?). Working as a senior research assistant, Kisa never has a dull moment in art. Be it acrylics, calligraphy, Kufic, or Urdu poetry. She does it all! She has embraced art as a part of her personality trait.

If I had more time on my hands, more artists could’ve made it to this short exhibition. How can I be surrounded by such talent and sit with the fact that only I am fortunate enough to appreciate it?

Now it is your turn to reflect, and acknowledge the artists around you and think. Think that if there is an art house for underrated artists, will you want them to showcase their work? and more importantly, will you attend it?

I hope the Van Gogh’s around us live to see the love and appreciation towards their art!

